SEO Success: The Website Content

Sep 22, 2021
2 min read
SEO Success: The Website Content Image
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When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), it’s easy to get bogged down with all the technical stuff and overlook the impact your content can have on your rankings. Zeroing in on some of the common issues and addressing them head-on can give you credibility with your visitors, improve the functionality of your website, and boost those rankings. Here are some key items to consider:

Stay On Topic

More content is not necessarily better–especially if it isn’t relevant to your business or the customers you serve. When crafting content for your website, it’s important to resist the urge to write about topics that are too broad. Instead, focus 100% on relevant material.

Limit Keyword Usage

Stuffing your website with keywords is a wellknown strategy of the past. Today, modern search engines focus on readability and interactivity. If you’ve had a website for a while, it might be a good idea to go through your old stuff and remove unnecessary keywords.

Write Meta-Descriptions

Metadata—content that describes other content—may not be as game-changing as it once was. But it’s still a great way to let search engines know what your website is all about. As you review everything, be sure to add short and accurate meta descriptions for all of your images.

Maintain Quality

It may seem like a no-brainer, but well-crafted, killer content performs better than something you slapped together at the last minute. So, it’s definitely worthwhile to give everything– including images and videos–a quick look to make sure everything is functional and relevant.

Skip Redundancies

Back in the day, search engines rewarded higher rankings to sites with tons of content. So, covering the same subjects over and over was fine. Nowadays, duplicate content can have a negative impact on your rankings, so it’s important to rely on quality rather than quantity.

Sharpen Articles

Posting a blog or a “field service library” is a great way to build credibility and enhance your search engine rankings. Just be sure that each piece is well written, sticks to the topic at hand, and exceeds at least 500 words. Likewise, bad grammar and broken links won’t do you any favors.

Check URLs

With so much focus on meta-this, and metathat, one thing that often gets overlooked is the URL address of your pages. When going through your content, make sure your URLs are short, sweet, and descriptive. Feel free to use targeted keywords if possible.

Include Relevant Links

A surefire way to gain credibility with visitors is to provide plenty of research material. A quick and easy way to do this is to provide plenty of links to helpful websites. Links can also be used to validate your information and help you look like the trusted, reliable expert you are.

Even minor edits can have a big impact on how your website is ranked and your content is received. Reach out to us today and we’ll be happy to help you create a winning content strategy that delivers results.

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