Chart A Course For Success, So You Don’t Burn Out

Nov 29, 2021
3 min read
Chart A Course For Success, So You Don’t Burn Out Image
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Effective business management can mean the difference between strong business growth and epic losses. Business management includes all of the things you do to make sure your business is performing well and on track to have more revenue, better employees, and more satisfied customers.

However, knowing you’re on the right track can be tricky. This Checklist can help you make sure you’re not missing any critical components of comprehensive business development as you assess your operations and planning.

The Entire Team Is On The Same Page

It’s easy to fall into operational silos, but it’s a situation you must work to avoid. Sales, management, marketing, accounting, and technicians should communicate with one another and work off of a cohesive strategy toward a common goal.

The Business Has Prioritized Easy Customer Sign Up, Scheduling, And Payments

Use tools that ensure your customers don’t have to struggle to make an appointment, pay a bill, or update customer information. Your website should handle this functionality, and it’s also a good idea to have a branded customer portal that is easy and intuitive. Customer apps can take this even further and lead to more repeat customers. Analyze your operations and look for areas that can be improved upon either minimally or drastically – something as simple as mobile payment reminders can make a huge difference in on-time payments and cash flow.

Employees Have The Tools To Make Their Job As Efficient As Possible

In addition to providing them with the appropriate equipment to handle the job, relieve employees of as much paperwork and tedious data input as possible. They will have more time to focus on their core job responsibilities instead of cramming extra work into their eight-hour shift.

Employee Needs Are Given Significant Attention

Keeping good employees is a huge factor in long-term success. Take the pulse of your employee environment and review your current employee policies. Make sure your processes make sense, are reasonable, and work for your entire team and their families.

The Business Is Using Technology To Save Time And Resources

It’s long past time to implement automated routing and scheduling. Google Maps may be great to find the best way from point A to point B, but a smart routing mobile app means you don’t have to spend time individually plotting and scheduling dozens of technician visits all over town every week.

Errors Have Been Minimized

Human error is a part of life, but advances in software and technology have reduced risks. Make sure you have removed as many opportunities for errors as possible in billing, reporting, and general business operations. This may mean eliminating unnecessary forms, modifying internal policies, and automating regular processes like billing and collections.

Competitors And Industry Leaders Aren’t A Mystery

You may not know precisely what your primary competitors are using to improve their operations, but you should do your homework about industry best practices and read up on the equipment and digital tools that are making a difference in the field service industry. Evaluate what makes sense for your operations and implement them as appropriate.

The Marketing Plan Is Current, Timely, Comprehensive, And Practical

Are you paying attention to what is resonating with your current customers, or are you using old or outdated messaging because it worked when it was first created? Review your marketing plan and make sure you’re taking advantage of the most effective platforms for your market. You need to be targeting your potential customers where they will see you, and that may not include the bus advertisement that worked so well five years ago.

Short- And Long-Range Plans Are Proactive Versus Reactive

Use the most relevant, detailed, and accurate information available about your business and your customers to draft plans that will grow as your business grows. Have a goal in sight and a roadmap of how you’re going to get there. This can’t happen without a close look at the right data and regular monitoring of progress.

Making sure your business is headed in the right direction isn’t something you have to do on your own. Easy-to-use field service software can streamline, organize, and automate many of these functions to give yourself more time and confidence to achieve better business success.

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