
19: From Info To Insight: Tactics For Pest Control With Seth Gerber

Oct 17, 2023
2 min read
19: From Info To Insight: Tactics For Pest Control With Seth Gerber
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Episode Overview

The customer comes to your pest control business with a problem. Their stress is up.

Bringing that stress down should be a key part of the sales process and customer retention.

"The faster that we can take control of the discussion, the faster that we can create comfort in our organization, the faster that we can give them a description that makes logical sense, and the faster that we can get a credit card on file, the longer they're going to stay," says Seth Garber, CEO of Pest Daily and co-founder of FRAXN.

"The second their stress elevates, they become a commodity,” he adds. “When they become a commodity, then the customer may or may not stay as soon as a problem is solved."

Gerber is a former pest control company owner who has gained experience in consulting and high tech. He’s the CEO of Pest Daily, which offers course learning on topics such as sales and marketing, human resources, and finance, and he’s co-founder of FRAXN, which helps turn information into insights.

Listen or watch in this fast-paced, 33-minute episode of FieldFamous with host Dr. Christopher Fasano in which Gerber talks about:

0:56 His career path and how he initially chose the pest control industry.

5:27 The three phases of learning during his professional career, beginning in the pest control industry, evolving in high tech and consulting, and returning to pest control. 

11:23 Marketing strategies that have worked in pest control and how those have evolved over time.

17:55 How the way he ran a pest control business changed when he realized he wanted to sell. 

20:45 Tactics for building recurring revenue and retaining customers.

25:48 How Pest Daily and FRAXN help their customers. 

29:16 Preparing for a slower season; reviewing subscription-based models, technology, and data; and taking care of people.

At the 31:20 mark, Gerber and Fasano end the episode with the Field Famous Rapid Fire Finish.

Useful links from this week's show:

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About the Show

The Pest In Class podcast from FieldRoutes is your destination for hearing insight, inspiration, and stories from fellow pest control industry leaders and entrepreneurs. Pest In Class host Amanda Salvatore will interview a new leader each episode as FieldRoutes celebrates the success of its customers while delivering software solutions to help them along their growth journey.

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